Since we got home from the beach I've decided to take the next step in solid food since Drea has gotten better at the pincer grasp and has started chewing efficiently. She's already started insisting that she will only eat what she can feed herself and wanting to eat any time she sees us eating, so I assume that she will start refusing food that looks different from what we're eating any day now any way. I've been giving Drea the same food each night that we eat. I cut it up into much smaller pieces to lessen the risk of choking, and I also mash it up with a fork. Drea has a taste of the food we're having for dinner, and so far she's loved most of it. Especially pasta.
She's had spaghetti with meat sauce (heavy on the spaghetti, light on the meat), a chicken, zuccini, bell pepper, and mushroom stir fry in teryaki sauce, a chicken stir fry in sweet and sour sauce, angel hair pasta with marinara sauce, and at John and Susan's she had another spaghetti dish topped with a sort of zuccini, sausage, tomato sauce, and cheese casserole. She LOVED it. I hope to introduce her to a large variety of flavors now while she's still figuring out what she likes. It makes a HUGE mess most nights, but I love that she's feeding herself. I think it's good for her. She decides how much she wants to eat, and this means that no one is stuffing food down her when she's not hungry. She's also learning all sorts of textures and generally having a fantastic time at the dinner table. I hope that she will always be this enthusiastic about dinner time.

We bought Drea a little pool. It folds up and fits in a small bag and pops up ready to go when you un fold it. It also has a little sun shade that attaches to it. I took Drea outside to play in it for the first time today.

She took her hat off and decided to wet it and chew on it like she tries to do with the washcloth at bath time every night. I decided to just let her do it since we were in the shade.

She loves water, but she honestly seemed to enjoy playing with the grass and leaves more than the pool. She had a fun time outside. After I brought her in, dried her off, and gave her a bottle she took a brief nap curled up on my chest. When she woke up about 1/2 an hour later she looked up at my face with a sleepy smile and very softly said "Mama". She's said it before, but this was a particularly sweet moment. She seemed happy to wake up with me already there.

I also recently purchased an indoor/outdoor play yard. Drea has been getting into so much I felt it was necassary for those times when I need to run to the restroom or cook dinner. I bought several extensions so that it takes up most of the living room. I guess I wanted her to have plenty of room in it. I was worried she might not really like it much, and I was sort of right. She is fine playing in it in the late afternoons/early evenings if Brian plays in it with her, but she gets really upset if we leave her in it alone. Brian usually sits in it and plays his x-box games while she crawls all over it playing with toys. I get tickled when I walk by the living room after she's already went to bed for the night and see him still sitting in it playing a video game. He looks like he's been incarcerated in baby jail.