After Smores
With a pitcher on her head
Drea wants to live outside these days. She really would spend the whole 24 hour day outside if we let her. We've been letting her explore and get dirty.
She pulls me to the door and puts my hand on the door knob when she wants to leave. She loves to get in the car and go somewhere too. If she sees one of us grab the car keys she runs straight to the door.
In the last four weeks she's begun using a lot more words in the middle of her baby babble. She now says bottle, mommy, and daddy clearly. She also says "Kipper da dog" when her favorite show comes on. She says "get it" when she wants something and bless you when someone sneezes. She also says thank you sometimes when we give her something. When you least expect it an entire sentence will come out of her mouth.
She loves her little bears and carries them around the house with her. She sleeps with two or three every night. Whenever she's nervous or upset she kisses their noses.