My laptop started causing me some problems that discouraged me from using it too often. That's why I haven't put anything here in a couple of months. Well, there's that and the fact that Drea has been keeping me very busy. But now I've got a new laptop and finally found the blog again.

Drea has changed a lot since I last posted anything. In the last month she's taken her first steps and learned a few words. She's getting into everything. She's also quit eating baby food entirely and can chew and swallow well enough to eat a wide range of solid food. She has five teeth now.

Drea's words so far: She can say Mama, Dada, uh-oh (her favorite word), kitty (her favorite toy is a stuffed animal cat), dog (she also clicks her tongue trying to call him), Nana, and stop (pronounced Dop). She also waves bye, claps when you say "Yay!", and indicates when she wants a bottle by using the sign for "milk". She has a specific sound she makes when she wants something to eat, and makes a certain noise when she wants to try and tickle someone (she loves to watch people have tickle fights).

Lately she smiles and babbles happily in the morning when I come into her room. She has finally really noticed Aries and LOVES him. She stands at the door when he's on the back porch and clicks her tongue at him. She asks to go outside and visit with him several times a day. Sometimes she pets him. She also wants to go outside and walk every day. Every once in a while I take her for a walk, but Brian does it two or three times a day. She gets really excited when he puts her on his back because she knows it means they're going outside. She counts on it as part of her daily routine now.

I can't believe her birthday is going to be here in just a few weeks! It doesn't seem like my baby should be one yet.
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