I know it's a cliche, but I never stop being amazed at how fast she is learning and growing. She's grown more confident, and now she's trying to climb onto everything. She's also been pretending for weeks now. She loves to pretend that various objects are a phone. She holds shoes and toys up to her ear and jabbers at imaginary people. She also pretends to feed her bottle to her little bears and baby dolls. She smacks her lips to imitate them sucking on a bottle.

Earlier tonight she climbed into her old baby seat and pulled her infant bathtub over her head to play peek a boo. Brian said she had started doing that last night. She loves for us to ask "Where's Drea?" and yell "There she is!" when she laughs and uncovers herself.

She's developing quite the sense of humor lately. She intentionally teases sometimes. She squeals and laughs whenever she is excited, and is fluent in baby babble. Every once in a while I catch an actual word in the midst of the baby talk. She's surprised me quite a few times with what she says and understands.

She's a big fan of popsicles and the cartoon Kipper the Dog. She also loves to sing and dance with the Wiggles. She loves music, and will try to sing and dance whenever I sing her a song. She claps her hands if anyone starts to sing If You're Happy and You Know It. She also tries to sing the E-I-E-I-O in Old McDonald. She loves to be on the go; sometimes she says "bye bye" and drags her diaper bag to the door to let us know she'd like to go somewhere. She wants to play outside all day, and will cry and beg to go along if she sees someone picking up car keys. She's definitely not a homebody.
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