The day before Thanksgiving we got a visit from Brian's cousin and her family. They live in Germany so we don't see them very often. One of the gifts she brought us was the wrap in the first two photos here. It was hard for me to catch onto at first (I blame the pain meds), but I am really glad I decided to try baby wearing. I had a baby that didn't want to be put down at all those first two months, so being able to hold her close and still have my hands free was a life saver. She has always loved being in the wrap; nine times out of ten she goes to sleep when I wear her. It makes shopping so much simpler than trying to lug around a heavy car seat. I loved wearing her so much I spent big bucks to buy another wrap. I bought a Didymos wrap just a few weeks ago.

This Thanksgiving was more special for me than any that we'd ever had. I was grateful to have my life's biggest blessing with us, so a holiday dedicated to giving thanks during her fourth week seemed perfect.

Our very first Thanksgiving with Drea was exhausting but fun. My mom and sister in law came over and cooked dinner for the family at our house while I rested. It was also nice having other people hold her so I could sit and eat my meal in peace. They loved passing her around.

My brother brought the kids over when it was almost time to eat, and my dad drove over as well. The kids were rambunctious as usual, but they were fun and enjoyed seeing the baby again.

After the meal my mom told me to go to bed and they would all watch out for the baby. So Brian and I both napped for a few hours while my family had run of the house. That was nice. That evening we put up our Christmas tree before every body went home. It went by pretty quickly, but it was a very special Thanksgiving.
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