She's getting into everything she can, and is more aware of the world around her than ever. We are starting to use signs for "milk", "more", and "eat", and plan to add more as we go along. It should be a couple of months before she starts using signs back, but I think signing will be a great way to help her let us know what's on her mind until she gets better at talking.
She started doing something new over the weekend. Instead of sitting during her bath, she's now crawling all over the place and splashing her toys into the water. This makes her mommy and daddy very nervous, but she's having a great time.
Our AC just can't seem to keep up with the heat now that it's been so hot. It got up to 78 degrees in the house today. I guess I should at least be glad it's working at all. I want to get a pool for Drea; she loves water so much I'm sure she'd love it. We need to go swimming again at the Y soon; if I could just get over this whole insomnia issue so I feel up to getting up and about during the day. There's so much I want to be out doing with the baby now that it's summertime.
We've rented a house in Myrtle Beach for the last week of July. We're planning to share the trip with several family members. It's been a long time since we went anywhere like that as a group. I can't wait to see how Drea reacts to the beach.
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