Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Discovering a Personality

During the last couple of months Drea's sense of humor has grown. She loves to "get" people (try to tickle them) and will say "getchoo". She loves to dance (bounce up and down) when she hears music, laughs when I use silly voices and faces, and likes to tease. If you ask her for a kiss she will turn her head away from you then make a point to kiss her baby doll. Her first sentence was "Where Day-uh?" - It was in late November/early December, and she covered herself up with a blanket to play peek-a-boo (I always played that with her by hiding my face and saying "Where's Mama?").

New words are coming out of her mouth all the time. In December she started saying Ba Ba for baby.
On January 5th I asked her if she is a baby and she patted her chest and said "Ba ba Deta". Just a few days later Ba ba became bahby.
She made up her own sign too. Instead of signing "milk" or "eat" she points the index finger of one hand to the palm of the other and says "eee?"

She's very independent and already wants to do everything herself. She also loves the word no and uses it frequently. She's very stubborn (like both of her parents), and I'm pretty sure that while this won't make parenting her very easy it is a trait that has it's good points. At least that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

She also suddenly started wanting to play with some of her baby things again. She wanted to get back in her baby swing and her jumparoo - both are toys she has outgrown. She giggles and squeals when she's in them - she knows she's being silly.

During an unseasonably warm day in December I put Drea on my back and we went for a walk outside. When I got back in with her we turned on the stereo and I danced with her still on my back (she loves this). She also bounced up and down and sang. We tried to catch it on video, and of course she stopped, but we finally got her to do it again. My hair is all nasty looking and sweat from the walk, but I thought this was so funny I had to share it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute how she sings along. Love the fishies! And that is an awesome wrap job, if I may say so.
