Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Drea's First Birthday!

On Drea's birthday we went out to eat with her Nana and Papa for lunch. She didn't want to sit in her high chair and eat for long, and it was easy for her to con her Nana into getting her out and holding her. That Nana is just too easy.
After lunch, Daddy spent hours putting together a little swing set we got for her birthday present. It looks easy and simple, but took forever. It was made of a lot of little plastic tubes. I was hoping Drea would love it, but at first she was mostly scared of it. She liked the balls in the ball pit though.
On November 6 we threw Drea a birthday party at the YMCA. Her birthday theme was dragonflies and butterflies. We had about 25 family members and friends show up, and Drea enjoyed herself immensely. She got her first ever taste of pizza before it was time for her cake.
Drea didn't realize at first that she could eat her little cake. She kept reaching toward it and pulling her hand away like she was afraid she wasn't supposed to touch it. But once I finally convinced her that she could dig in, she ate quite a bit of it.
After the cake I sat with Drea at the gift table and helped her open presents. She got wonderful presents from everyone, and was excited by all of her new toys.
After everyone else went home Mama and the kids joined us in the YMCA's heated pool. After an hour or two of swimming we finally went home with all of the loot. Drea was tired and ready for sleep by the time we made it home. It was a great day for all of us.

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