Friday we went shopping at Commerce with my cousin Misti and her husband Doug. I hadn't really taken Drea out for a big shopping trip before, so I was worried how she would handle it, but she was great.
We ate lunch at Applebee's before shopping and she stayed in a relatively good mood. She usually doesn't like to sit still for that long without fussing, but she had lots of new things and people to watch. She was smiling and laughing and playing with the toys I brought along.
We bought a lot of Summer clothes for Drea, which was the point of the trip, along with some other things.
This was the first time I've really used my stroller before, and she seemed to like being in it. I ended up taking her out and putting her in the wrap for the last two stores we went in when she started getting tired and a little fussy. She went to sleep and ended up napping on the way home.
Brian and I had fun, but we were tired by the time we got home.
On Saturday morning my mom asked me if I would like to go to the walking trail at the Health Campus with her and the kids, so I packed up the stroller again and drove over. I've been going to the gym every day and working out, but I decided this would be a fun way to get some exercise and see Mama and the kids at the same time. It was a beautiful day and we had a nice walk. Drea ended up napping in the stroller for most of it. I took the wrap in case she got tired of the stroller and ended up using it to carry Lydia - who's two - when she got tired of walking. I put her on my back and she loved it!
I need to practice until I get good enough at a back carry to feel comfortable carrying Drea that way. It really didn't bother me at all to carry Litty Bitty and she's a bit bigger than what I'm used to. Drea is going to be too big to carry comfortably in the front soon and she really doesn't like it when I try to put her on my hip. I got my mom to help me put her on my back after we finished walking and she seemed to like it, but I didn't really have the wrap tight enough to suit me. We'll work on it.
We spent most of the afternoon at my parents' house with the kids. Drea and I went home around supper time, and I fed her, bathed her, and handed her over to Daddy so he could get her to sleep.
I've had a lot of fun the last few days, but having fun can make you tired!
I felt like this: