Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Drea's First Visit to a Park

Yesterday Brian, Drea, and I met up with Mama, Austin, Trinity, and Lydia at a local park. We put Drea in a swing for the first time. We stuffed a blanket in the swing since she's still too little to swing in it alone, but it wasn't enough. Luckily I had my wrap with me and with the blanket it held her in snug enough. She loved it.
I have never seen her sit in the same place that long without getting bored and throwing a fit. She loved looking around at all the other children playing while she was swinging. She stayed in it for thirty minutes. I looked away to see what the other kids were doing, and when I looked back she had fallen asleep.
So we got her out and let her sit with her Nana for a while.
She loved being outside; I'm so glad the Spring weather is here and we can get out now and have fun.

Here's video I took right after we put her in the swing:

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