Monday, April 19, 2010


Today Drea seemed to have a case of cabin fever. She woke up cooing and laughing, and stayed in a fairly decent mood, but was bored with everything in the house. So I put on the wrap (she always smiles and laughs when she sees me pick it up) and we went for a long walk together this afternoon. Here are some photos I took when we came back in. I snapped the first photo when I realized she was holding her bottle all by herself; it's the first time she's done that for more than just a couple of seconds!
On Saturday we went to the YMCA with my mom and Drea's cousins. They had a healthy kids event with various booths and activities. I took Drea into the heated pool for the first time. She loves water, so I expected her to love a pool, and I wasn't disappointed. I just wish I had remembered to take the camera. She started laughing when she realized I was taking her into the water. She laughed and enjoyed kicking her legs and splashing her arms while we were in the water. Her swimming lessons start in May, and I am looking forward to going to them with her.

She's figured out how to grab my glasses and hair now, and yanks my glasses off almost every time I pick her up. She's also kicking her legs and attempting to roll over and sit up every time her diaper gets changed now. These things make life a teeny bit more difficult, but they show how fast she's growing up. I can't believe she's almost six month old already!

I've also uploaded some more videos lately

Here's Brian and Drea playing.

Drea noticed the tag on her playmat and was determined to get it.

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