Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Walk in the Park

It's been a while since I posted. I keep meaning to post, but then I get too busy with Drea. I haven't been struggling as much with insomnia lately so there's no more posting at 3am. That's a good thing though, and I'm definitely not complaining. Now that the weather is nice and (mostly) warm we've discovered that Drea really loves going outside. Sometimes when she is feeling fussy it is the one thing guaranteed to calm her down. It also helps when she's fighting sleep at nap time. We walk around our yard and little street at home, and she usually drifts off to sleep. Here we are taking a little walk at home.
On the 25th we realized we were running too late to make it to church on time, so we went to the park at the Civic Center instead. We walked on the trail and then took Drea to the playground and walked around the duck pond there. Drea loves to swing. She's not quite big enough to fit in the baby swings, so I packed my wrap in with her. It seems to be just a little too much packing. She was fine with it though; she likes to chew on the wraps.
When we went by the duck pond there was a crowd of people feeding the ducks. She was really interested in them, so we stopped and let her watch for a while. This is her serious face when she is concentrating and trying to figure something out. It reminds me of some of Brian's facial expressions.
She got tired of the stroller while we were walking so Brian wore her on his back part of the time. This was my favorite picture from our walk.

The only downside to doing all of this fun outdoors stuff with her is that she seems to be as affected by all the pollen as we are. So I have to balance the fun of going outside with the fact that she will get a stuffy nose and runny eyes. We don't let it stop us from going out entirely, but I think we'd be outside a lot more if there wasn't such a high pollen count.

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