For several years I was depressed on Mother's Day, because I worried that I might never get to be a mommy. I was really looking forward to Mother's Day this year. Brian brought me some white roses on Saturday, cooked dinner for us Saturday night, and gave me a card from him and another from Drea on the way to church. I have another present, but he had to order it and it won't be back for a couple of weeks. After church I drove us all to Piedmont to see Nannie (my grandmother).

She enjoyed spending time with her youngest great-grandchild. We left her house after about an hour and a half and came back home. Brian wasn't feeling well, so I had to take Drea to the grocery store. We were having Mama and the rest of the family over to grill burgers and hot dogs for dinner, and I hadn't been able to make it to the store earlier. I was tired because we had just started transferring Drea to sleep in the crib and I've not been sleeping well. My mom was going to go to the store for me while we were at Nannie's, but she got locked out of her car at her step-mom's house and had to wait on my dad to show up with the spare key. But I managed to run in and out of the store pretty quickly (even with a baby up past her nap time) and get home just in time for everyone to show up.

Mama had bought some finger paint and used it to get the hand prints and foot prints of the kids to make Mother's Day cards for me and Melissa. She had the older kids write their own, and wrote some sweet things in mine herself. I had my usual card for her as well as a card from Drea and had already used a stamp pad to put Drea's footprint in it in place of a signature; I guess great minds think alike. It was one of those cards you can record things on, and I had recorded Drea "talking" on it.

It's always nice seeing everyone, but I was exhausted by the time they left at 9:30, and since Brian was feeling better I went to bed early pretty soon after they left. I enjoyed getting to see my family and loved my presents, but I was feeling grumpy and exhausted by the time it was over. I'm thrilled to be a mommy, but I think maybe next year I will just run away for the day and let everyone else take care of all the other stuff. :) OK, I probably won't, but I'm hoping next year I'll actually get some rest.
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