Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sleep Deprived

My little baby girl is growing up too fast! Every time I turn around or blink she's doing something new. She's in a hurry to grow up; she spends most of her time awake trying to figure out how to crawl around. During the last few days she's been able to sit by herself unsupported for several seconds before she topples over.

Drea and I have been going to parent/child swim lessons at the YMCA, and she loves it. They don't really teach the babies to swim at this point - the main focus is getting the babies used to being in the water. We hold them under their arms and walk backwards so they can kick their legs in the water, we let them sit on the steps and play in it, sing songs that require hand motions (wheels on the bus, hokey pokey, etc), and do other activities meant to get them used to having fun and splashing the water. Drea is thrilled the whole time.
She's also gotten too big for her nap nanny. She started trying to squirm out of it when she woke up, and would end up with her head on the floor and her bottom still in the nap nanny. So last weekend we started putting her in her crib at night. She's not really happy about it, but has done better than I expected. I had finally conquered my insomnia issues by going to bed early. I would go lie down and then Brian would bring Drea in the room when he was ready to go to bed already asleep in her nap nanny and put her on the floor. If I had been asleep long enough before they came in I could stay asleep. But now he brings her in much earlier and puts her in the crib, and this means she's in there awake anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. So I'm awake. By the time she falls asleep I'm wide awake, so here I sit awake at 3am while Brian and Drea are sleeping. I was getting up early and going to the gym, but I haven't been able to do that in a week. I hope she'll get used to the crib soon and start falling asleep easier; I've been joking that I'm going to go buy a bed to put in the extra bedroom so I can get some sleep. Sometimes that idea is really tempting. I've been pretty grumpy lately.

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