Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Busy Days

I made this little video a couple of weeks ago, and just never got around to putting it here.

Drea seems to be learning so much so fast lately! Everyday she gets closer and closer to crawling! She can pull herself up on all fours and rock back and forth. She's been going backwards by accident, but today she figured out how to move her legs to go forward. Now she just needs to figure out what to do with her arms and she'll be crawling. She's gotten really good at rolling across the floor in both directions, and has started trying to pull herself up. She's also sitting by herself indefinitely now once I put her in a sitting position, and she's been trying to figure out how to sit up from a lying position.

On May 20th (around 2 or 3am) she surprised me. She'd woken up and Brian walked over to her crib to try and calm her back to sleep. When she stopped crying he turned around and went back to bed and she yelled "Da Da". Now I know they aren't supposed to talk yet and they are usually just making sounds at this stage, so I assumed it was just a coincidence that she picked the consonant that sounded like the person she was mad at. Well, just a few minutes later she started back up. Brian went to get her bottle, and I got up to try and soothe her until he got back with it. She thought I was going to pick her up and started crying and said "Ma Ma". There's been a couple of times since then that she's made the muh sound like that when she wanted me. If it was just the Da Da or MaMa one time I'd say it was just babbling, but I really think she was saying words. She knows who Daddy and Mama are, and we've been playing the "say da da - say ma ma" game with her since she started babbling. It really had a different tone than we she babbles.

We've had her first trip to the zoo and finished baby swimming lessons in the past week or so, and I hope to get around to posting pictures of both of those soon. Brian and I had a nasty cold for the last week; we're getting better, so hopefully I'll update the blog a little more often soon. I don't know if anyone but me is actually still reading it, but I like to use it to keep up with what happened when since I never remember to write things down in baby books and such until after they've happened.

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