Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Internet is Full of Crazy People

OK, I already knew that. I've already experienced it first hand, and I'm very suspicious of people that are looking for attention on the internet.

But I've not had a fun weekend. I post on a message board for mommies with babies Drea's age, and usually I find a lot of useful information there. I can compare notes with other moms and see what works for them when they have the same problems as me. It's also a nice way to de-stress. But the last few days it has been a sort of nightmare.

There is a poster there that has always set me on edge. Something about her posts has always set off alarm bells for me. She doesn't really interact with people in a normal way and her posts have been attention seeking. I had been leery of her for a while; I thought she was either a.)making up things for attention or b.)dangerous to her son. Her posts would imply she had severe PPD and anger problems with her son and was refusing to take medication for it. Then on Friday she comes to the MB and announces that her son died from SIDS the day before.

She's made several posts on the board. She's created two threads about it and interrupted another thread to post about it four times. Other people have started up threads to ask for donations, memory banners, share sad poems, etc. Some of them seem to genuinely be upset for her, but many of them almost seem to be wallowing in the misery and drama like they enjoy it. It's too weird, so I haven't even touched it.

If she's faking this then she has spent a lot of time creating alternate personas on facebook to comment and interact with her and say they are coming to the memorial service (which isn't until over a week from now). She has posted a place, date, and time, and told people to let her know if they are coming she will find them a place to stay. The whole thing is just wrong. She's posting all over the place right after this happens? On a board where people have photos of their babies as their banners? I've come to the conclusion that she is either faking this death or may have smothered her baby. I can't quit wondering.

SIDS is my worst fear. I think it's why I can't sleep at night. I wake up and can't quit wondering if she's breathing or not and I have to keep checking on her. I had just started thinking I can relax a little because she's getting so close to the time that the risk goes way down. Now this situation hasn't made me feel any better. If that happened to me there is no way I'd be on the internet the next day looking for attention on a message board full of people talking about their babies. I wouldn't be on the net at all. I wouldn't even be capable of typing.

Maybe I'm a horrible insensitive person, but even if he did die from SIDS and she didn't have anything to do with it I can't help but resent the fact that she keeps posting all over the place about it. It was my escape and now I can't even stand to post there.


  1. Yeah - I haven't figured out how just yet. I've just been ignoring threads she starts. I have a friend that called the investigator out in Arizona and it seems there really was a death and they don't think she was home when it happened. He sort of tactfully told her that the parents were...a little off so to speak and that might explain the really weird posts. I don't know. They are still waiting on some tests to come back. The baby was born premature and had some health issues.
