Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Necessary Evil

Drea's four month appointment was today. She weighs 14lbs and 8oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. She's growing nicely. Everything looked good, and the doctor said she should start solids at 5 months which would be in 2 and 1/2 weeks. Then of course the part I wasn't so excited about. Time for the vaccinations.

I hate seeing her get them, but I know they are a very important way to keep her safe. I've read a lot of scaremongering about them, but I've also read actual scientific information from sources without an agenda. I would feel horrible if Drea caught something and suffered a severe illness because I didn't want to hear her cry. She had a bit of a fever this evening, but I gave her some Tylenol and it went away. The fever isn't fun, but it lets me know her immune system is reacting to the vaccines like it's supposed to. I'm just glad that after her six month appointment she gets a break from them until she's 12 months. I hate seeing her cry and know she doesn't understand why they're sticking her. I think I cried longer than she did.

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